There are numerous categories of escorts available at Top Escorts Chennai. The girls are available according to the taste of the customers. We always ask for the requirements of our customers before they hire any of our escorts. There are escorts which can be only afforded by high class gentlemen so our categories are also divided according to the background of the customers for example if customers is wealthy then we offer him the highest quality of escorts which are very costly for example actress escorts or model escorts and if the customer is looking for some mediocre escorts girls than we offer him with our college girls escorts which are also beautiful but are not much familiar with the stuff going on in the business.
Lastly if someone is looking for less costly escorts in Chennai than we offer them with our housewife escorts who are experienced escorts but because they are above 30 so their cost is little low. These women are also beautiful.
Below are the types or category of escorts available in our escort’s agency are as follows:
Air Hostess Escorts: Air Hostess escorts are one of the costly escorts available at our escort’s agency in Chennai. They live a posh life and frequently goes out of the city so their availability is less and cost are very high.
Housewife Escorts: Housewife escorts are one of the most experience escorts when it comes to satisfy men in bed. They are not costly and you can learn a lot about sex from these escorts. For the one who want to learn so nice techniques to do in bed they should opt for housewife escorts services.
College Girls Escorts: College girl escort are one of the most inexperienced escorts when it comes to lovemaking so they are less costly as compared to other escorts but they are fresh escorts so you can bend them in the way you want.
Model Escorts: Model escorts are high profile girls who have done some commercial or have worked even in small movies but they want to earn more money so they decide to join escorts agency because money is very good. They always look for privacy that’s the reason they provides services only in 5 star hotels. There cost of hiring is also very high so we recommend only high profile gentlemen to go for these escorts girls.